Go Girl Go! 2020 Directory of Grants, Scholarships and More For Women
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This e-book is an extensive compilation and directory for WOMEN OF ALL ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS in the United States. It reveals how to get FREE money and funding from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and major corporations.
It lists more than 100 opportunities, and is truly everything a woman needs. Download this AMAZING 77-page e-book to your computer, smartphone or tablet now!
Listed within are:
* All the 2020 grant/ funding opportunities for WOMEN to start/ expand a business;
* All the 2020 grant/ funding opportunities for WOMEN to fund a non-profit organization; and
* All the 2020 scholarships and financial aid opportunities for WOMEN to attend college.
Remember that grants and scholarships do NOT have to be repaid!
This e-book also features:
* The TOP organizations for professional and business-minded women;
* The TOP magazines/ blogs for professional and business-minded women; and
* The TOP business conferences for... you guessed it, professional and business-minded women!
NOTE: This book is an ELECTRONIC BOOK ONLY available for download; It is NOT available in print!